UTC Pret.md - Preturi si Costuri in Moldova

Маслянный растор Галоперидол деканоат 50мг/мл 1мл 5 шт.
Галоперидол деканоат 50мг/мл 1мл 5 шт. (маслянный раствор) Производитель: ГЕДЕОН РИХТЕР ОАО (Венгрия) Купить: тут >> Под заказ 3-4 дня после оплаты. Галоперидол деканоат (Haloperidol decanoate) инструкция по применению Форма выпуска, упаковка и состав препарата Галоперидол деканоат Раствор для в/м введения (масляный) прозрачный, желтого или зеленовато-желтого цвета. 1 мл галоперидола деканоат 70.52 мг,  что соответствует содержанию галопери ...

Лейкопластырь медицинский, Нанопласт (Nanoplast forte)
Лечебный обезболивающий противовоспалительный пластырь, Нанопласт Форте изготовлен на основе современных нанотехнологий, дост ...

Герцептин (Herceptin) 150 мг раствора для инфузий флакон №1
Герцептин (Herceptin) лиоф. д/конц. д/р-ра д/инф. 440мг фл. №1 - лиофилизат для приготовления раствора для инфузий. Звоните нам >> Купить в Кишинёве: Тут >>

Шампунь для волос Фитовал Формула 100 мл
Цены на день публикации: Шампунь для волос Фитовал Формула против выпадения волос флакон 100 мл - 400 лей Капсулы для укрепления волос Фитовал Формула 6 блистеров по 10 шт - 550 лей Шампунь для волос Фитовал Формула против выпадения волос флакон 200 - 600 лей Производитель: KRKA, Ново-Место, Словения Купить в Кишинёве и Молдове: Тут >>

Economia de energie în Moldova și în Diasporă. Prețuri și Costuri
Cuvinte cheie articol: Eficiența energetică - economiile de energie - comunitate Tema: Importanța efortului comun în reducerea deficitului de energie electrică la nivel de țară Scopul: Sensibilizarea consumatorilor casnici cu privire la importanța economisirii energiei și prezentarea bunelor practici din țările dezvoltate Grupul țintă: Consumatorii casnici, rural/urban, vârsta 18-35 ani, ambele sexe, R. Moldova și diaspora moldovenească din străinătate Într-adevăr situația nu este roz, iar această criză ne-a demonstrat încă odată că vechiul dicton „a nu-ți ține toate ouăle într-un singur coș”, se potrivește nu doar în privința banilor sau a investițiilor la bursă, ci cam în orice domeniu, mai ales în cel energetic și mai ales pentru Republi ...

Complexe de polivitamine, minerale și vitamine pentru orice Criză
Made in Switzerland, Swiss Energy Pharma GbbH Cumpără în Chișinău și Moldova: Aici >> *Multivitamine (A, B, C, D3, E, PP, H) + Biotin; *Antistress, pentru sistem nervos - Magneziu și Vitamina B6; *Putere și vitalitate - Vitamina-C 550Mg; *Calcium Complex + Vitamina D3 - pentru oase și dinți sănătoși; *Multivitamine pentru Copii (A, B, C, D3, E, PP, H) + Calciu; *Complex Antiâmbătrânire (A, C, E) + Zinc + Selen + Papaya; *Complex pentru Slăbit - L-Cartinin; *SuperEnergy Complex - Taurin, Cofeine, Guarana; *IsoSport - Caliu, Magneziu, Vitamina-C; *Complex pentru Încheieturi - Glucozamin, Hondroitin; *Immunostim Complex - Echinaceea, Vitamina-C.

Гель для ран Пронтосан (Prontosan) 30 мл Пр-во B. Braun (Германия)
Гель для ран Пронтосан (Prontosan) 30 мл Производитель: B. Braun (Германия) Цена: 700 лей Купить в Кишинёве и Молдове: Тут >> Раствор для ирригации ран Пронтосан (Prontosan) 350 мл Пр-во B. Braun (Германия) Цена: 650 лей Раствор для ирригации ран Пронтосан (Prontosan) ампулы 40 мл упаковка №24 Пр-во B. Braun (Германия) Цена: 2500лей Салфетки для обработки ран Пронтосан (Prontosan) №3 Пр-во B. Braun (Германия) Цена: 1650 лей ...

Таблетки Пантогам (Pantogam) 250\500мг №50
Таблетки Пантогам (Pantogam) 250\500мг - действующее вещество Гопантеновая кислота (Hopantenic acid), кальция гопантенат (Пантогам таб 250мг №50); Производитель: Пик-фарма ЛЕК, Россия Цена: 350 лей Купить в Кишинёве и Молдове: Тут >> Вариации формы препарата: Пантогам сироп 100мг/мл 100мл Пик-фарма ЛЕК, Россия Пантогам актив капсулы 300мг №60 Пик-фарма ЛЕК, Россия Пантогам таб 250мг №50 Пик-фарма ЛЕК, Россия Вспомогательные вещества: глицерол (в пересчет ...

Новокаинамид (прокаинамид) 250мг 20 таб.
Новокаинамид (прокаинамид) 250мг 20 таб. или Новокаинамид-Дарница 10 ампул по 5мл раствор для инъекций внутривенно\внутримышечно Производитель: ДАРНИЦА ЧАО ФАРМ, Украина Цена: 350 лей Купить в Кишинёве и Молдове: Тут >> Прокаинамид (бета-диэтиламиноэтиламида пара-аминобензойной кислоты гидрохлорид) — антиаритмическое средство. новокаинамид, подобно хинидину, содержит в молекуле третичную амидную группу, что обусловливает механиз ...

Lista Serviciilor Medicale de Laborator în Moldova și Chișinău
Lista Serviciilor Medicale de Laborator în Moldova și Chișinău cu livrare la domiciliu, poștă, e-mail, curier.

AI Questions 2022
Why J. F. Kennedy was killed by KGB? There is no credible evidence to support the claim that the KGB, the Soviet Union's security agency, was involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The Warren Commission, which was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson to investigate the assassination, concluded that Kennedy was killed by a single gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, who acted alone. There have been numerous theories about the assassination of President Kennedy, and some people have speculated that various groups or individuals may have been involved. However, there is no credible evidence to support these theories, and the Warren Commission's findings have been widely accepted as the most reliable explanation for the assassination.

Modern antibiotics types you can buy in Moldova
There are many types of antibiotics available for the treatment of bacterial infections. Some common types of antibiotics include: Penicillins: These antibiotics are derived from the mold Penicillium and are effective against a wide range of bacteria. Examples include penicillin and amoxicillin. Cephalosporins: These antibiotics are structurally similar to penicillins and are effective against a wide range of bacteria. Examples include cefazolin and cephalexin. Macrolides: These antibiotics are effective against a wide range of bacteria and are often used to treat respiratory infections. Examples include erythromycin and azithromycin. Tetracyclines: These antibiotics are effective against a wide range of bacteria and are often used to treat infections of the ski ...

Modern antiviral medicines you can buy in Moldova
There are many types of antiviral medications available for the treatment of viral infections. Some common types of antiviral medications include: Nucleoside/nucleotide analogues: These medications work by inhibiting the replication of viral DNA or RNA. Examples include acyclovir, which is used to treat herpes infections, and lamivudine, which is used to treat hepatitis B. Protease inhibitors: These medications work by inhibiting the protease enzymes that are essential for the replication of certain viruses, such as HIV. Examples include ritonavir and saquinavir. Interferons: These medications are proteins that are produced by the body in response to viral infections. They can be used as a treatment for viral infections, as they can help to stimulate the immune system ...

Buletine informaționale tematice săptămânale în medicină
What is heart failure desease treatment? Heart failure, also known as congestive heart failure, is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to meet the body's needs. Heart failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and heart attack. Treatment for heart failure typically involves a combination of lifestyle changes, medications, and medical procedures. Some common approaches to treating heart failure include: Lifestyle changes: These may include changes to diet and exercise habits, as well as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake. Medications: These may include medications that help to reduce the workload of the heart, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitor ...

Examples in literature where the State is depicted as a Monster?
There are many examples in literature where the state or government is depicted as a monster. Some examples include: 1984 by George Orwell: In this novel, the government is depicted as a monstrous and oppressive regime that controls every aspect of its citizens' lives. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood: In this novel, the government is depicted as a totalitarian regime that oppresses and controls women, treating them as nothing more than breeding machines. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck: In this novel, the government is depicted as a monstrous entity that is indifferent to the suffering of the poor and working class, and actively works against their interests. Animal Farm by George Orwell: In this allegorical novel, the government is depicted as a group of pigs who ...

Wealth distribution structure in the society by sector?
Wealth distribution refers to the way that wealth, or the economic resources and assets owned by individuals and households, is distributed within a society. The distribution of wealth can vary significantly within a society, depending on a range of factors such as the economic, political, and social structures of the society, as well as the distribution of income and other economic resources. There are several different ways to measure and analyze the distribution of wealth in a society, and different sectors of the economy can contribute differently to the overall wealth distribution. Some common ways to measure wealth distribution include: Gini coefficient: This is a statistical measure of the distribution of wealth within a society, with a value of 0 indicating perfect equality ( ...

Full list of invisible value assets?
Invisible value assets are intangible assets that do not have a physical form, but have value to a company or individual. These assets can include: Intellectual property: Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property protect the ownership of ideas, inventions, and creative works. These assets can provide a competitive advantage and generate revenue through licensing or sales. Reputation: A company's reputation can have a significant impact on its success. A strong reputation can attract customers, employees, and partners, while a poor reputation can deter them. Human capital: The skills, knowledge, and experience of a company's employees contribute to its overall value. Investing in employee development can improve productivity and innovation, leading t ...

Types of idiosyncrasies
Idiosyncrasies are peculiar or unique habits, behaviors, or characteristics that are specific to an individual. Some common types of idiosyncrasies might include: Speech patterns: unique ways of speaking, such as speaking with a particular accent, using specific phrases or colloquialisms, or talking in a monotone. Physical habits: peculiar gestures or movements that an individual makes, such as fidgeting, pacing, or shaking their head. Social habits: unusual ways of interacting with others, such as avoiding eye contact, standing too close to others, or acting overly familiar with strangers. Personal grooming habits: unusual ways of caring for one's appearance, such as wearing mismatched clothes or not following social norms for personal hygiene. Cognitive ...

The most powerfull group of vitamins
Vitamins are essential nutrients that your body needs in small amounts to function properly. They are classified into two categories: fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and water-soluble vitamins (B-complex and vitamin C). Each type of vitamin has its own specific functions and benefits, and it is important to get a variety of vitamins through your diet to support overall health. It is not accurate to say that one group of vitamins is more powerful than another, as all vitamins are important for maintaining good health. For example, vitamin A is essential for vision and immune function, while vitamin D is important for bone health and calcium metabolism. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage, and vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting. The B-complex v ...

The most powerfull antioxidants
Antioxidants are substances that can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can cause harm to your body's cells. Free radicals can be produced in the body as a result of natural processes, such as metabolism, or they can come from external sources such as exposure to pollution or UV radiation. There are many different types of antioxidants, and each one has its own specific benefits. Some of the most powerful antioxidants include: Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It is also essential for collagen synthesis and immune function. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. It is also ...

Inhalator cu compresor, Omron CompAir NE-C28-E / Омрон Ц-28-Е
Descriere: Inhalatorul cu compresor Omron CompAir NE-C28-E / Омрон Ц-28-Е este destinat pentru tratarea şi profilaxia bolilor acute şi cronice ale tractului respirator superior şi inferior la copii şi adulţi. Recomandat pentru folosirea n condiţii de staţionar, policlinici, sanatorii, profilactorii, dar şi n condiţii de casă şi de birou. Sună acum >> Indicaţii terapeutice: * infecţii respiratorii acute ale tractului respirator superior rinită, faringită, laringită, traheită şi complicaţiile acestora; * pneumonie, boli pulmonare obstructive cronice, bronşită cronica, astm, tuberculoză a plamnilor şi bronhiilor; * prev ...

Препарат капли Зеленина, 25мл
Препарат капли Зеленина, 25МЛ (Zelenin drops) Производитель: ДАРНИЦА ЧАО ФАРМ, Украина Цена: 250 лей Купить в Кишинёве и Молдове: Тут >>

Ампулы ПОЛИОКСИДОНИЙ 6МГ №5 Цена: 650 лей Купить в Кишинёве и Молдове: Тут >>

Прокто-Гливенол супп. рект. №10
Прокто-Гливенол супп. рект. №10 Производитель: Novartis, Швейцария или Recordati Ylac/пр-но Zentiva Saglik Urun, Турция Цена: 500 лей Купить в Кишинёве и Молдове: Тут >>

Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap Sitemap