People took refuge and separated in their homes;
People also get sick because of the lark of sun - immune system is down;
People are angry because they can't see their relatives in person, they want to move and walk in the parks;
People are in a scarcity of resources because of lockdowns and job loss\ wages\ income down;
Suicide rate is up, only hope and close people keep the situation afloat;
What would be next, tomorrow..? It's all China's' fault..? ... people wander and wonder.
We substituted live communication with phone calls, viber and zoom meetings;
People use artificial sun, such as quartz lamps, with infrared spectrum;
People buy treadmills, and some sell them in bulk;
The depression and the subconstient anger conditioned people to shop online, not to cook food and to other sins;
Suicide rate is kept low only with high rates of sex, music and nasty atavistic stuff (violence, shooting etc.);
Tomorrow is another day, with new crazy ideas, new mad people and new socially disorganised governments.
Mr. Who